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History is not merely a set of past deeds chronicled in dusty books to be stored on frail library shelves. No. The particles of history are what shape us today, and tomorrow, too, as they are the winds that move us forward.
How else but from our history would we learn how the lives we lead today are the dreams come true of those long-gone souls that came before? The American West is a megalith of history, dotted with the proud ruins of grit and determination. On these lustre lands, fissured and fractured as they may be, history is the magnetic force that pulls it all together, the sealant of time. Here, history is a reckoning force — a well of strength, of knowledge and curiosity, of pride like no other.
And so, as the moon bathes earth in its ghostly light, and the Milky Way that has seen it all arcs high above, a striking convocation of the omens occurs. The sky showers down on us its patient wisdom that only comes with time, and in that moment, struck by the profundity of such occurrences, when time comes to a momentary halt, the past and the present mingle and coalesce as their yesterday makes way for our tomorrow.
Photographer / Company
Kaat Stieber
Fine Art Photography - Nudes
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Photographer / Company
Eduardo Moreno
Editorial Photography - Editorial / Other
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Photographer / Company
Wolfgang Weinhardt
People Photography - Culture
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Photographer / Company
Andrea Izzotti
People Photography - Environmental
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