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Do you remember when you were little, you used to look up there in the sky and see how the clouds moved? and that you wanted to touch this clouds?
This little playmate cousins are making their own clouds to play with. This little playmates have chosen their future profession: cloudmakers. They are digging the clouds. I made a little house out of cardboard and I painted it for my son. I put some cotton wool on the floor , which helped the image make it to transpose into another world, the one of dreaming of sky rivers, and clouds.
I photographed my son playing with his cousin with cotton wool I put on the floor . As they were playing and while photographing them in this precious moments of their I transposed it into another background.
This series of images was an attempt to represent their experience of playing together as playmates and cousins. Seeing how they were playing with cotton made me dream and took me back to childhood memories. Their age is the age when you are still dreaming, your world is supernatural, and you have the impression that you can touch the sky, and can make clouds.
The cotton wool it makes us to see how some ordinary things can transpose us to an imaginary world full of clouds and, the feel of playing, the feel of life, and childhood. This was a personal work in which I worked.
Photographer / Company
Christiaan van Heijst
Editorial Photography - Photojournalism
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Photographer / Company
Bodo Gebhardt
Fine Art Photography - Nudes
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Photographer / Company
Editorial Photography - Photojournalism
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United Kingdom
Photographer / Company
Saiful Islam
People Photography - Environmental
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