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This particular waterfall resides on Lula Lake Land Trust. A beautifully preserved area of more than 12,000+ acres. I had wanted to visit on so many occasions as this was the final waterfall in Georgia that I needed to see. With them only having select opening dates each month, it took several years before my time lined up with a weekend, that they were open. Lula Falls would be the first waterfall I would see after losing my father just two months earlier. Despite the overcast, she was perfect in every way. Not too hot or cold of a day, but just right. Every detail of the sheer ledges on each side, the mist and spray from the water crashing upon the rocks below and displaying her power and elegance. Yet a sense of calmness would overcome me in this moment. An affirmation that everything happens for a reason, as I stood still for a moment with my son at my side. Relishing the moment and being present as I listened and felt her tell me how to shoot her. When this image popped up on the screen, I knew it felt different. She is beauty even on a gloomy day and how fitting it was to see, capture and embrace that exact feeling as it resonated through every inch of my soul.
Photographer / Company
Marios Forsos
People Photography - Portrait
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United Kingdom
Photographer / Company
Nathan Myhrvold
Nature Photography - Landscapes
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United States
Photographer / Company
Robin Yong
People Photography - Culture
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Photographer / Company
Craig Bill
Nature Photography - Landscapes
Country / Region
United States