Submission Group
Country / Region
Sicily, Italy.
A dive in my native sea with my child son awakes me on the fact that the environmental crisis - the most terrifying in an age of many crises - is not an abstract concept but an existential threat. As I cross with him the border between the aerobic world where we belong and the magic blue where we can venture but not survive for long - I see the lights, colours and smells that shaped my heart and taught me the wordless lessons that still guide my life. In my near-by town, Catania, everything - the fish market, the religious procession, the alleys - speaks of hard survival in a world that is not perfect. Inside my native sea, everything speaks of the marvel of life and of the fact that nobody will come and save this Kingdom if I don't. For me, there can be no attempt to work to a solution to the existential climate crisis if I do not - first of all - descend and reconnect with the environment that bred me and which I am truly just a part of.
Photographer / Company
Rafal Dymarkowski
Nature Photography - Wildlife
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Photographer / Company
Camille Briottet
Nature Photography - Wildlife
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Photographer / Company
Lara Chapman
Fine Art Photography - Wildlife
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Nathan Myhrvold
Fine Art Photography - Abstract
Country / Region
United States