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The Brazilian Pantanal is full of wildlife that thrive in its wetland environment. This caiman grabbed a fish and was in the process of repositioning it to make it easier to swallow. As he lifted his head out of the water, I hit the burst mode on my camera to capture this frame where the fish is suspended between the jaws as biting flies surround the caiman's head while creating a nice reflection in the calm water. This happens incredibly fast and needed to be captured at a very fast shutter speed of 1/4000th of a second in order for it to be sharp while having a fast burst rate of 9 frames per second in order to catch the precise moment seen in the image.
Photographer / Company
Glenn Goldman
Black & White Photography - Abstract
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Jeff Zeller, Memorable Image Photography
People Photography - Portrait
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Mathew Schwartz
Fine Art Photography - Nature
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Glenn Goldman
Architecture Photography - Abstract
Country / Region
United States