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A man like anyone else, good, drunkard, according to his wife, was sitting on a bench in the main square of his town in the wrong place at the wrong time, when two rival drug gangs confronted each other, taking by accident his life.
No one was responsible, no one knew what happened. Human rights were absent in this case, as in more than 200,000 thousand people dead in Mexico in the last years. No justice was made and no explanation given.
Burials continue to differentiate alive and dead even after the demise. This happened in a remote rural area in the central part of Mexico, in the State of Jalisco. A place where traditions from a century ago are preserved, as it is the case with this burial documented by several pictures throughout the process in the family home of the deceased.
Traditions in the most remote areas refuse to disappear altogether, undergoing minor adaptations and alterations to the uses and customs of the place and the family.
Burials continue to differentiate alive and dead even after the demise. The funeral is ultimately a family representation of death with hidden superstitions and sometimes not so much.
The last meeting of the innermost family for the deceased to embark thereafter on the journey to ultimate solitude. There is a solemn respect, silence and tears and an occasional hidden and fleeting laugh.
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Ted Glasoe, Artist
Nature Photography - Seascape
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United States
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Camille Briottet
Nature Photography - Wildlife
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Photographer / Company
Glenn Goldman
Architecture Photography - Building
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United States
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Architecture Photography - Bridges
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