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Personal boundaries have shifted due to the spread of a contagion. A dark mood has permeated the city streets because of sickness, hospitalizations and deaths, as well as the depressed economic environment with business closings, job losses and exodus of large numbers of residents and tourists. Our energies are focused on our need to sustain the breath of the city.
This series of photographs were captured on several cold winter days when the sky was clear, the sun was shining bright and the wind was blowing intermittently on a street corner. The steam released through the manhole covers from pipes emanating from beneath the street was dispersed by the gusts of wind into unique patterns. The strong winds pushed the people in indeterminate directions, forcing them to push against the moving boundaries created by the steam. Shards of light guide them on their path. Our adaptation to the shifting perception of boundaries has transformed the way we navigate our immediate, individual world.
Photographer / Company
Mathew Schwartz
Fine Art Photography - Nature
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Glenn Goldman
Architecture Photography - Abstract
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Andrea Izzotti
Nature Photography - Underwater
Country / Region
Photographer / Company
Craig Bill
Fine Art Photography - Panorama
Country / Region
United States