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Memory is something that has been of concern to me.
He was associated with the loss when I lost my mother and redefined due to my father's recent loss.
I set out to investigate the representation of memory in relation to the experience of loss.
As French psychologist Pierre Janet said, Memory aims to overcome absence.
I chose to photograph personal belongings of my parents that I have kept as a need to preserve in my memory and remembrance a part of their material world
I created images of some of my parents' personal items. These items escape their everyday identity and function as evidence of my parents' preserved memory
So, I decided to photograph them in a plastic bag and on soil, giving a further dimension to the permeability of the human body that returns from where it started
The bag plays the role of the wooden coffin and at the same time has to do with the concept of protection, the objects the body and the soil the frame within which redefines a new state from life to death.
Photographer / Company
Marco Jongsma
Nature Photography - Nature / Other
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Photographer / Company
Jatenipat Ketpradit
People Photography - Culture
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Photographer / Company
Craig Bill
Nature Photography - Landscapes
Country / Region
United States
Photographer / Company
Christian Kleiman Fine Art Photography
Fine Art Photography - Cityscape
Country / Region
United Arab Emirates