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If you were asked to name an animal that embodies Darwin’s theory on natural selection, I would venture a guess that your choice would not be a manatee. It would likely not even make your top 100. On the other hand, give a gray crayon to a few 5-year-olds and ask them to draw an aquatic animal, and they might come up with something that closely resembles the mammal.
Manatees seem a simple species. They are simply shaped. Large and rotund with wrinkly, leathery looking skin that is often covered in algae. Between appearance and personality, manatees would appear to fall somewhere between a hippopotamus and a dog (though their closest evolutionary relatives are actually elephants). They follow warmer water temperatures and spend much of their time resting or in search of seagrass. Aside from the few moments at the surface to take in air, they are almost silent. Manatees may be big, but they are oddly graceful. They glide through the water as they socialize with each other and with their visitors.
Submerge yourself in some of Florida’s coastal waterways, and you may encounter these unique creatures. Better yet, you may also learn a few things. Maybe it’s that looks can be deceiving. Maybe that it’s okay to take things slower and observe the world around you. To spend time with those close to you. Maybe it’s that the quiet ones still have something important to convey. Maybe that despite bearing deep wounds of the past, you can still accept and welcome others into your world.
From the surface, you might forget about them. You may not even see them. Oblong outlines drifting through the water. Minding their business as they go about their day. Little about their appearance and behavior would make you think that they should be with us. But, against all odds, they’ve made it this far.
They are still here.
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Stephan Romer
Nature Photography - Landscapes
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New Zealand
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Eric Kanigan
Black & White Photography - B&W / Others
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United States
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Jules Oldroyd
Fine Art Photography - Wildlife
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United Kingdom
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Anna Murray
People Photography - People / Others
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