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“There’s no better place to find yourself than sitting by a waterfall and listening to it’s music”
― Roland R Kemler
A rough country, shaped by nature and the harsh weather conditions. Full of fascinating places. Volcanos, black beaches, deep red sand, green pastures, colorful hills and many waterfalls. So many that counting is not possible, yet everyone of them is different and unique in his own way. Whenever I am standing at a waterfall and witnessing the raw power of nature the world is standing still for a moment. Fascinating power places which can displace the everyday life problems and blend me with their beauty. Only one other thing on earth can do this to me: The Icelandic Horse.
A unique horse race: Willing, brave, sure-footed and wild at heart. Shaped by the rough country those horses brave wind and weather and are deeply attached with nature.
What could be more appropriate than combining these two things? Out of all the waterfalls I have chosen the most impressive ones. Searched special locations for special horses. Waited for the perfect moments during many travels. Overcoming obstacles and eventually created this wonderful series: #chasingwaterfalls
I invite you to travel with me from power place to power place and get to know the Icelandic Horse in his home country.
Photographer / Company
Cheraine Collette
Black & White Photography - Nudes
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Photographer / Company
Mite Visuals
People Photography - People / Others
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Photographer / Company
Patty Carroll
Fine Art Photography - Fine Art / Other
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United States
Photographer / Company
Glenn Goldman
Architecture Photography - Building
Country / Region
United States