1 Can you introduce yourself and talk about how you got into photography?

As a boy of fourteen, I took photos of cows in the meadows with my Agfa Clack. However, I didn't like the pictures because I felt the cows were missing life. In the following years, I tried hard to capture life in my photos. At 19, I won second prize in an international photography competition with diapositives of the Metro under construction in Rotterdam, my birthplace. This led to a career as a modern art journalist and socio-economic editor. I eventually settled in the South French Cevennes mountains, where I have now lived for more than 30 years.

2 Where did you study photography?

Eric Pijnaken principally is a self made photographer. Nevertheless he assisted to workshops from Leica Camera in France.

3 Do you remember your first shot? What was it?

My first shots were of cows when I was a boy, and a bit later, I made an 8mm film starring my sister Marja at the Zadkine statue in the center of bombed Rotterdam.

4 What equipment do you use?

Well, I tested practically all photo gear brands and ended up with Pentax and Leica cameras, and for snapshots, I use a Sony RX100 VI. The reason for this selection is that I sought equipment capable of rendering sensitivity, human feeling, and the expression of life. Most cameras are too synthetic and only razor-sharp. I use the whole range of Pentax reflex cameras, from wide-angle to macro, and also medium format. For Leica, I have one Leica M9 for color, and two Monochrom models, the M9 and M11.

5 What compliment inspired/touched you the most?

During exhibitions, I am touched by spectators who arrive and immerse themselves in the images, openly expressing their feelings. That's a real treasure.

6 What inspires your unique storytelling?

Storytelling is a gift I receive through intuition while living my life on this wonderful planet. The stories come to me when I focus on subjects that draw my attention, and I can never predict what my next topic will be, as I refuse to force it.

7 What THREE (3) words describe your photography style?

Humanity, spirituality and empathy.

8 Congratulations! As the winner of the MUSE Photography Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?

It is incredibly rewarding when skilled individuals view my work, especially when they connect with it and appreciate it deeply.

9 How has winning an award developed your career?

Receiving awards is a sign to others that my work has value. However, I have not found that awards significantly advance my career as of yet but I dearly look forward to how it can develop my career!

10 Name 1-3 photographers who have inspired you.

Diane Arbus, Sally Mann and Masahisa Fukase.

11 What was the best piece of advice you were given starting out, by a mentor or your role model?

Be yourself. Don't let fashion influence you. Stay humble.

12 What advice would you give someone who would like to become a photographer today?

We live in an era of individual freedom where people focus on images. Every year are published worldwide billions of photos, without concern for quality. So one has to ask himself/herself what he/she can add to this plethora, or what you as new photographer have to witness. Otherwise as you see it simple as a job, you can shape your career in the target of your choice.

13 What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?

What is success? Is it soothing your ego? It's difficult to speak wisely about success. If your goal is to exhibit in renowned museums, it's often more about having the right relationships and friends than the quality of your photographic work.

14 How do you stay in that space of being receptive to new information and knowledge?

Embrace the feeling that each day is new. Recognize that you know nothing and must keep learning. Most importantly, stay open to being surprised!



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Black & White Photography - Fine Art


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Fine Art Photography - Night