1 Can you introduce yourself and talk about how you got into photography?

My name is Jorge Delgado. I'm a professional photographer based in Ecuador, and currently working as chief creative director in my creative studio.

2 Where did you study photography?

I studied photography at IGAD, a local school in Guayaquil, but my first steps were as a journalist photographer back in 2009. My first teachers were my co-workers

3 Do you remember your first shot? What was it?

Yes, actually. I was on assignment for the newspaper I worked for. They sent me to cover a local festivity in Yaguachi, Ecuador, where children buy tons of candy specifically made for the occasion.

4 What equipment do you use?

Nikon D-750 and Nikon D600. All my lenses are sigma: 24-70mm 2.8; 50 1.4; 70-200mm 2.8, 85mm 1.4.

5 What compliment inspired/touched you the most?

The most meaningful compliments are those that recognize their unique vision, creativity, and technical skill. When someone acknowledges the photographer's ability to capture a special moment, convey an emotion, or tell a story through their images, it can be incredibly rewarding and motivating. Ultimately, the best compliments are those that come from a genuine appreciation of the photographer's work, and that recognize their individual style and contribution to the art of photography.

6 What inspires your unique storytelling?

I am thrilled by stories, and portraits have the ability to tell a story in a single frame. The art and craft behind capturing a portrait that encapsulates the essence of a person is what drives me forward.

7 What THREE (3) words describe your photography style?

I would say: cinematic, improvised and raw

8 Congratulations! As the winner of the MUSE Photography Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?

As a photographer, being behind the lens sometimes makes you feel alienated from the product you deliver. However, receiving recognition for your work, especially from your colleagues, not only brings happiness but also pays off for all the sacrifices that were made during the production of a photograph. Despite what the audience may think, achieving a perfect photograph takes not only time but also a great deal of effort. These recognitions mean that it was all worth it.

9 Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the MUSE Photography Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

This was a series of portraits made for a gastronomic festival called 'Ra

10 How has winning an award developed your career?

The achievements acquired are great credentials for future works. When people see an award, they become curious about what you can achieve for them.

11 Name 1-3 photographers who have inspired you.

I think I speak for everyone when I say that Annie Leibovitz is more than an inspiration but a goal, along with Steve McCurry and Art Streiber.

12 What was the best piece of advice you were given starting out, by a mentor or your role model?

Pictures are a testimony of the present to help us understand the past in the future. Be responsible for what you capture.

13 What advice would you give someone who would like to become a photographer today?

Learn the basics. Learn analog photography. It might not be "useful" today, but understanding the basics of where the origins of light capturing come from will make you a wise photographer.

14 What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?

Do not compromise your vision. Eventually, if it is correct, doing things your way will thrive despite the rebuttal of clients and/or critics.

15 How do you stay in that space of being receptive to new information and knowledge?

It would be unwise for anyone in any field of expertise to think that they have learned everything. Always check what's next, always check trends. You might find a new voice in all the new information you receive, but that doesn't mean you have to change your vision.


Raíces Festival

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


People Photography - Celebrities

Raíces Festival

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


People Photography - Group

Raíces Festival

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


Fine Art Photography - Portrait

Raíces Festival

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


Fine Art Photography - People

Emelec Sporting Club / Adidas

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


Fine Art Photography - Portrait

Emelec Sporting Club

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


Special Category - Digital Enhance Photography

Emelec Sporting Club / Adidas

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


Fine Art Photography - People

Emelec Sporting Club

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


Fine Art Photography - Sports

Emelec Sporting Club / Adidas

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


Editorial Photography - Sports

Emelec Sporting Club / Adidas

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


People Photography - Sports

Emelec Sporting Club / Adidas

Photographer / Company

Jorge Delgado


Commercial Photography - Advertising